Jerusalem of Gold - I love you!

HaShem! HaShem! HaShem!
You are so kind and great and beautiful. Yesterday I went to Jerusalem for the first time in a year. Wow. I downed a great big cup of gut & esrog juice and even made a shechianu, on the juice and on being in Jersualem.
After reuniting with my beloved shamgoog, I started walking to the old city, every step I took I bumped into another long lost friend of mine, it was an unprecendented bout of Hashgacha Protis, the likes of which can only, only, be revealed in Eretz Yisrael. Thank you so much! oh, so these friends are: daniel rand, neesha keneesha, mordi gooth, mendle fisherman, daniel (no idea his last name) and finally my sould brother Ezra H -
There was a reason for all these bumpings into, it was so clear thatG-d wanted to tell me "Moisha Hendel - welcome home - you belong right here, in Jersualem!"
You know what, in Jerusalem - I feel alive.
and now, the pictures................

My beautiful sister Shmagoog (hands off ok)
in the Machane Yehuda Shuk
this is where we reunited

This ---->
is neesha, my brother's (kohhny's)
sister a REAL tzadaikes

my deepest prayers
connecting to thousands of others
in an electric moment
and finally ----------------------------->>>

@ chashmonaim
keep the comments coming