Hendel does Israel

While I may no longer technically be in Israel, I have no intention of stopping who I am or what I am about. We all know the timeless Chabad teaching of "Mach Doh Eretz Yisael" - its very empowering. I'll let you know about my journey, my struggles and my dreams. JaHbless.

Friday, December 02, 2005


Its been an amazing week , really. I haven't had time yet to write properly, and to reflect, because i'm busy living it. Please G-d on monday I'll post some ideas and pictures.
For the parsha....So this week Rivkah complains because she feels kicking in here belly when she passes a shul and then kicking when she passes avodah zorah, but the question is , why was she confused, we all kick when we pass a shul and then when we pass avodah zorah we kick again, we are people with a g-dly soul and an animal soul, so its only noraml to be attracted to both! but rivkah, she was confused.
why? becuase we kick half heartedly at a hul, we don't really really mean it. But she felt kicking of yaakov so strongly , he was real , hewanted to daven to beclose to HaShem, so she get confused, if he is real, why does he kick when I pass the avodah zorah?

all the blessings



Blogger BFF said...

hey hey HEY
here i am, working my arm off for CGi melb x2, and theres all this action on Hendel's blog!!!
it really is time to slow down the working and pick up a life.
for sure.
love the dvar torah. send me best to eckers and the other dudeskies who wallow in the springs of the torah.

9:02 PM  
Blogger BFF said...

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9:02 PM  
Blogger BFF said...

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9:03 PM  
Blogger subjewd said...

good to hear from you brother,
keep it real, keep up the good work!

11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

comment DELETED by the author.....??!?!?! wow. this is intense

9:06 PM  
Blogger subjewd said...

yeah, i'm not really sure why whoever wrote and deleted what they did, it will remain a mystery!

12:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend of your sent me a link to your blog. This devar torah was really interesting… hope you don’t mind if I share something that really troubles me about this entire story of Eisav and Yaakov?

You are right when you say we each have two souls, each one pulling us equally hard in their direction. That is why you first raise the question as to why Rivkah was even puzzled that she felt kicking within her womb, both outside the shule, and outside the church. However, once we ascertain the fact that there were in fact two children inside her womb, I feel confronted with a different question, admittedly it’s a question which has been bothering me immensely since reading the parshah weeks ago.

Essentially it comes down to my qualm of “life is not fair.” Eisav, from his very inception, was a man drawn towards evil. Inside his mother’s womb, as a mere fetus he was already kicking outside places of idol worship. He was born red, hairy and ugly. His animalistic tendencies and depraved nature were inherent, G-d given, and he was destined to a life of struggles and hardships, relentlessly drawn to the side of evil- what chance in life did he have? My question is strengthened further, by comparing Eisav to his twin brother Yaakov, who was born the exact opposite. He had it so much easier from the very beginning, because he was born on the side of goodness, holiness, and righteousness. In the womb it was Yaakov who was kicking outside the shule. He was born angelic looking, and had no internal struggle, effortlessly drawn to G-dliness. This is not the inherent struggle we each face, this is a case of two very different individuals, born and raised in the same family, in the same environment, but with very different personalities.

Sure, I have heard the explanation countless times that in fact Eisav has a higher, greater potential, which is in fact why Yitzchak wanted to bless him rather than Yaakov. But at the end of the day, who had it harder? Indubitably Eisav. He was the one facing the test, he was the one with the exigent struggle. Sure, he failed his test, and gave into his abrasive nature, but can we really blame him? I look at these twin brothers, and simply question the fairness and justice of it all? Some people in life are simply given a personality where they are drawn more to physicality and iniquity than others, some people by nature question, while others simply accept.

Do you hear my question? The following confession might sound terrible and somewhat disturbing, but reading that parsha, I felt like I could relate more to Eisav than to Yakov. I do not G-d forbid revere him by any means, but in some ways I can empathize with him. Clearly he deserves his terrible end, whereby only his head remains, rolling into maaratha machpailah (interesting to note here is that it is specifically only his head that remains because it was in his head that he knew what was right and wrong. It was only in his heart that he erred, and because he gave into his heart, his body perished.) he is not by any-means my hero, but whilst he is certainly the villain, I am nonetheless overwhelmed by a feeling of injustice.

What do you think?

3:15 AM  
Blogger subjewd said...

I think you are right, but at the same time, you underestimate yaakov's struggle. The truth is, I have to think it about it more...

7:20 AM  

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