The many faces of Jerusalem...

After Shabbos ,
we sat on the roof,
made a shlomo havdallah,
and asked all the
important questions,
to which Ronnie always
seems to know the
right answers to...

at the shuk
buying juices
that are meant
to improve
the way we look at the world
from a sephardi healer
called uzieli

There aren't many
whom I can honestly say
are more chabad than
but Freda is one of them
I mean it!

that people don't really
know about
and in that place
hundreds of old sefradic men
sit and play cards
drink turkish coffee
and smoke the worst
smelling Israeli ciggarrets imaginable
im trying to figure out:
is that e huge insult or an overwhelming compliment??
biggest compliment in the whole entire world !
ok just checking.
thanks moishe!
right back!
You're a tzaddik!!!! Its been a while since we chatted. Hope all is going well with you!
All the best
Dov Goldring
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