Hendel does Israel

While I may no longer technically be in Israel, I have no intention of stopping who I am or what I am about. We all know the timeless Chabad teaching of "Mach Doh Eretz Yisael" - its very empowering. I'll let you know about my journey, my struggles and my dreams. JaHbless.

Monday, January 16, 2006

rasberry toothpaste

Its been way too long since i've updated my adventures, I have exactly three weeks left here in Israel, and although its been going so quicly, melbourne is a very distant memory from me. I can even remember what its like to drive a car, or not be checked at a supermarket for explosives and the all the rest.
Besides not sleeping, and grabing every learning, music, party, davening, connecting and spirtual expereince possible, I realise that soon the expreince will end, and i know have to think about intergration. The concept of 'making here eretz yisrael' applies to every person's mind and heart. Please G-d , i'll be taking every thing in, and then sharing them - with whoever has an open mind and heart! But, in the meantime, I have three amazing weeks coming up! and I'm going to live in the moment as much as possible , and love every single second!

peace and blessings!

The lights of chanukah
in pictures!

my menorah on the 8th night
(click to enlarge)

Ain Pskik in front of the menorahs...

Dreidle Dreidle Dreidle Game

at Itta & Matthue place

Itta and Matthue on the 8th night
chanukah Party

whereever avram lives
even if with his israeli girlfriend
in chaifa,
there is a basketball court nearby!

the first time for me
playing sport
in years!

Besides Jerusalem

my favorite place in the whole world


As always

moke me and ronnie

acting so stupid


I'm in the middle of writing something about my recent birthday so check the blog later this week, until then.....
JaHbless &
shavua tov!!


Blogger Dovid said...

JahJah Bless Maaaaaan!

How are you Moish?! Your pictures are great! Why not come to ny for a visit?

3:29 AM  

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