Hendel does Israel

While I may no longer technically be in Israel, I have no intention of stopping who I am or what I am about. We all know the timeless Chabad teaching of "Mach Doh Eretz Yisael" - its very empowering. I'll let you know about my journey, my struggles and my dreams. JaHbless.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

keep on climbing, to another hill.

Purim's over. Now its time to begin.
Its like when you leave Yeshivah, you can finally start learning.

You see, its easy to be happy on Purim (as long as you've had some sleep). You wear a mask, a costume, and you get drunk. There is a problem, its not really you. Or is it you, but the only way you can accsess that part of you is by drinking?

What about today? You have your old skin back on. You have to go back to work.
Can you sing the same songs?
Can you laugh and smile like a childrens party clown?
Can you enjoy giving charity?
Can you hand out presents to 100 friends without thinking twice?


but, its a challenge.

So, the real Purim starts today.

Happy Purim everyone.

Teffilin at Monash University

Just a little thaught I read from Rabbi Ginsberg.

Out of all the things we can learn from the Golden Calf, one stands out more than anything. Even if we sin, even if we sin the worst possible sin in the entire world. We can always, always do Teshuvah. In fact, we can use the sin to reunite with the very thing we just disconnected from, and then go a little deeper.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wouldnt have answered a big YES to your thoughtful questions...i think not , perhaps it is the DAY of purim that makes us that way...k'purim like yom kippur day ITSELF is holy and forgiving....
well whatever

5:19 PM  
Blogger subjewd said...

I guess you have a point, maybe a big YES, was out of line. Yom Kippur as you said attones for our sins, but, how do you know if you've really atonned? if the day after yom kippur you are a different person, a little more sensitive prehaps.
So, maybe with ourim too, if you really celebrate purim, the next day you are a little more joyus.

10:21 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

I think you're right...an experience like purim should last you, and make every day after a little more like purim. For some that is the joy of the day, or the way they felt completely present and holy.
Still, I need tips on how to keep that high...to hold on to it even as we go on our way again.

Actually, I always had that problem after tishrei, too. The whole "Yaakov halach l'darcho" thing was also difficult. It's the same issue.
How do you hold on to it?

2:13 AM  
Blogger Milhouse said...

Hey Moishe Hendel, I just came across this blog. Impressive. I've been reading your first-hand account of Amona. I didn't know that I knew anyone who'd been there... I guess if I'd kept in touch more often I'd have known. Say hi to your parents.

Zev (AKA Velvel, blogging as Milhouse at Neo Warmonger

4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Moish! A great thought here, pushing a feeling from one day to the next. Every piece of positive energy is a move forward, towards what we need, so why not move that forward-thrusting energy into the next day and the next? Maybe on Purim, we get burnt out? We're very YEAH, BE JOYOUS, SING, DANCE, GIVE CHARITY and we feel it and we love it but we love it so much we cant do it again until next year. That is sad, Moish! Can't we use Purim to spark us, to help us BUILD our positive energy, our love, our joy, our song, so we can use it in the days, weeks, and months following Purim? How did we get this way that we only ever feel so joyous, do these things, once during the year, just because the calendar says to? Or maybe we can only be this way once a year because if we were like this EVERY DAY, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate it as much? Which would be terrible. To find kindness and joy and song to be so 'normal' that Purim comes along and we'd think (Gd forbid) "WHY BOTHER".

So maybe for that reason it's okay we don't feel the same Joy through the rest of the year.

There's something uplifting in Purim and it's not the alcohol.

The next day, the next week, we have to go back to work, to school, we have deadlines and expectations and schedules. We have all this stuff on us again and it's heavy and so it's harder for us to dance, we go back to what's troubling us and it hurts and we can't sing or laugh with our hearts, we feel pressured and anxious and insecure and we want to hold onto what we have and so we find it harder to give charity and presents.
And that's sad, Moish. Because look, look how hard our lives are! And yeah, it is a challenge to be uplifting and joyous and singing and giving when LOOK HOW HARD OUR LIVES ARE, 'why would we want to make it harder by adding the challenge of being joyous as well?'

Because maybe, it could make use happier. And maybe, that's what is uplifting about Purim.
I really hope this made some sense to you. I'll be in Melbourne soon.

1:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH, AND: is it not still Adar?

2:35 AM  
Blogger subjewd said...

Zev (uncle velvel i presume) good to hear from you!

11:07 AM  
Blogger subjewd said...

Thanks for dropping by, what you wrote made so much sense, in fact, if more people thaught like you, the world would make more sense!
There is an old chassdic saying, "a chosid is ALWAYS happy, but never content..."

11:08 AM  

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