What was Haman thinking?
Haman, our enemy was a smart man. He knew that within G-d’s constructed order of expression (seder Hishtalshelus) he could never cause any harm to the Jews. Why? Because within that expression, the Jews always end up best.
Within seder Hishtalshelus G-d decided to contract his light, in order to create and relate to the world. In His contraction, there is an order, a system. The system dictates that G-d bestows kindness to the Jewish people. The systems does not allow for evil villains to naturally persecute the Jewish people.
So Haman had to act beyond the system, not to bend or change the rules, but he had to bypass them altogether.
Beyond the system, beyond (or before) the contraction of G-ds light, is a reality where essentially, everything is nothing - in relation to G-d. It is a place where light and darkness are one in the same. Nothing is more or less important. There are no rules, intellect is not taken into account.
So, Haman thought to himself, if he wants to act against the Jewish people, he will have to accsess a reality, where they are not significant to G-d.
This is where Purim fits in. Purim comes from the word ‘pur’ which means lot, or gamble.
When does someone use a ‘lot’ or ‘pur’ to make a decision? Only when they can’t make that decision by using their own intellect or emotion.
Using a lot is tapping into a place beyond rules, beyond intellect.And so, Haman threw a dice, cast some lots, and they landed on the 13th of Adar, he bypassed intellect and order, and tried to issue a decree against the Jews…
Within seder Hishtalshelus G-d decided to contract his light, in order to create and relate to the world. In His contraction, there is an order, a system. The system dictates that G-d bestows kindness to the Jewish people. The systems does not allow for evil villains to naturally persecute the Jewish people.
So Haman had to act beyond the system, not to bend or change the rules, but he had to bypass them altogether.
Beyond the system, beyond (or before) the contraction of G-ds light, is a reality where essentially, everything is nothing - in relation to G-d. It is a place where light and darkness are one in the same. Nothing is more or less important. There are no rules, intellect is not taken into account.
So, Haman thought to himself, if he wants to act against the Jewish people, he will have to accsess a reality, where they are not significant to G-d.
This is where Purim fits in. Purim comes from the word ‘pur’ which means lot, or gamble.
When does someone use a ‘lot’ or ‘pur’ to make a decision? Only when they can’t make that decision by using their own intellect or emotion.
Using a lot is tapping into a place beyond rules, beyond intellect.And so, Haman threw a dice, cast some lots, and they landed on the 13th of Adar, he bypassed intellect and order, and tried to issue a decree against the Jews…
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